The Jon Cheplak Webinar

Kickstart the #30DaysListingChallenge with Jon Cheplak, one of the industry's top-rated coaches. Get ready to tackle the next 30 days with a high-energy 45-minute session with Jon—there's no better way to get pumped!

Webinar Summary

Building Trust through Practice
Focus on how demonstrating integrity and practicing what one preaches can build trust with clients, using real-world examples and personal anecdotes.

Introduction to the Mindset for Success
Explore the foundational mindset required for setting listing appointments and achieving real estate success, emphasizing the importance of aligning actions with preached values.

The Role of Mindset Consistency
Discuss John Scheplak's insights on maintaining a consistent mindset and how it contributes to long-term success on larger stages in the real estate industry.

The Importance of Tactical Focus
Transition from mindset to the practical tactics necessary for the next 30 days, outlining specific actions and commitments needed to influence business outcomes positively.

Long-Term Impact and Commitment
Examine the long-term effects of maintaining the right mindset and committing to the process, and how this foundational "framing" supports the tactical elements like scripts and strategies.

Kickoff and Commitment to Action
Officially start the 30-day challenge, setting the stage for what participants should focus on, the expected outcomes, and the support system in place, including follow-ups and resource sharing.

Additional Resources

Ryan’s 30 Listings in 30 Days Playbook