Listing Secrets from Top Teams

Sue Adler, Lance Loken, Vija Williams - From negotiation to closing, learn the strategies that can make your listings stand out.

Webinar Summary

1. Introduction to Panel

2. Success stories and strategies for scaling their businesses to the next-level.
Success stories and strategies for scaling their businesses to the next-level.

3. Buyer Focused vs Seller Focused
What's the focus for these KW titans, what drives their business?

4. Lead Gen vs Conversion
Overcoming significant industry challenges, insights gained through experiences, & the importance of innovative approaches

5. Seller Workshops Best Practices
Sue Adler's special tips and advice on running seller workshops.

6. "Database" Top Focus Right Now
Lance & Vija explain why revitalizing their database has been their top lead generation strategy recently.

7. Differentiation in Your Service
Learn about Sue, Lance, and Vija's differentiation tactics to create a unique brand in the market.